I am trying to execute a SQL query using Zeolibs but compiler keeps complaining with the following error - Unknown column in Where clause.
ZQuery1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM new_table WHERE TagName = '+theSig.f.TagName;
But I checked all the columns in my database table and it is correct as I have it here TagName
What is wrong with my SQL statement?
You need to use the QuotedStr function. So your code will be
ZQuery1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM new_table WHERE TagName = '+QuotedStr(theSig.f.TagName);
A better alternative is to use parametrized queries (this will block attempts for SQL injection - take a quick look at this question).
ZQuery1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM new_table WHERE TagName = :myparam';
ZQuery1.ParamByName('myparam').AsString := theSig.f.TagName;