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Entity Framework: Mocking with JustMock

I've just installed the Telerik.JustMock.EntityFramework package, and i am trying it.

I've tried this:

var ctx = EntityFrameworkMock.Create<MyDbContext>().PrepareMock();

var source = new List<MyEntity>()
                new MyEntity(){ Description = "asd" },
                new MyEntity(){ Description = "asd2" },


And when i retrieve the data doing this, it works:


But if i do the next:


It returns an empty collection.

Do you know what i am doing wrong? Or do you know how can i mock the collection that my context returns? Because i am using the repository pattern and i want to test the methods from the repository, that is working with a given context.

Btw, this is my MyDbContext class:

public class MyDbContext : DbContext{
    public DbSet<MyEntity> MyEntities { get; set; }


  • Mocking a DbContext can be difficult because there are a lot of moving parts that the context is keeping up with. I've had success using a library that helps to set up an in-memory data context. Not exactly a direct answer, but I've run into lots of problems attempting a straight mock with other mocking frameworks

    This library is available as a nuget package.