I came across this exact issue, and I can't figure out how to achieve the solution in my case.
Guido says
The solution is to remove the tzinfo completely from the time after converting to UTC.
This is what I have tried:
date_time = parser.parse(i.pubDate.text)
news.publication_date = date_time.replace(tzinfo=None).date()
And I get the same error:
NotImplementedError: DatetimeProperty publication_date_time can only support UTC. Please derive a new Property to support alternative timezones.
So it seems I have to convert the date to UTC first. And here my research has failed me.
I came across this solution:
The solution suggested is this:
def date_time_to_utc(date_time):
tz = pytz.timezone('???')
return tz.normalize(tz.localize(date_time)).astimezone(pytz.utc)
But I don't have the timezone. I am scraping the date from a html source. So the timezone could really be from anywhere in the world. Is there no easy and reliable way to convert a date time to UTC?
I could use both dateutil
and pytz
to achieve this. Many Thanks.
UPDATE It has been a really long day. I have misread the stack trace. However the question remains valid.
date_time = (datetime}2015-01-13 18:13:26+00:00
news.publication_date_time = date_time
This caused the crash. And it seems by doing this, I pass the unit test:
news.publication_date_time = date_time.replace(tzinfo=None)
Is this the correct way converting a GMT 0 datetime to UTC datetime? Or in fact any timezone to UTC?
Is this the correct way converting a GMT 0 datetime to UTC datetime? Or in fact any timezone to UTC?
If aware
datetime object is already in UTC (+0000
) then your formula works:
naive_utc = aware_utc.replace(tzinfo=None)
where aware_utc
is a timezone-aware datetime object that represents time in UTC.
But if aware
datetime object is not in UTC; it fails. You should take into account a (possibly) non-zero UTC offset in the general case:
assert aware.tzinfo is not None and aware.utcoffset() is not None
# local time = utc time + utc offset (by definition)
# -> utc = local - offset
naive_utc = aware.replace(tzinfo=None) - aware.utcoffset()
where aware
is a timezone-aware datetime object in an arbitrary timezone.
But I don't have the timezone. I am scraping the date from a html source. So the timezone could really be from anywhere in the world. Is there no easy and reliable way to convert a date time to UTC? I could use both dateutil and pytz to achieve this. Many Thanks.
No. dateutil
, pytz
won't help you unless the date string itself contains the timezone (or at least its utc offset).
Remember: It is always noon somewhere on Earth i.e., if you collect date/time strings from different places on Earth then you can't compare them unless you attach the corresponding timezones. You can't convert it to UTC, you can't get a valid POSIX timestamp if you don't know the source timezone for the date.