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Connect to SQL Anywhere - dblgen12.dll not found

I try to connect to a SQL Anywhere 12 database with the iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere.v4.0.dll.

On the database server this connection is successful, however on any other PC's I get the error Language Ressourcefile not found<dblgde12.dll, dblgen12.dll>.

Orginal (german) error message here, unfortunately even on my english system the error message is in german. enter image description here

I have found these files on the installation directory of the sql server, but I don't know what to do with them, since I can't install them in the gac.

The Connection:

iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere.SAConnection connection = new SAConnection();
connection.ConnectionString = new SAConnectionStringBuilder(){  DatabaseName = "123", UserID = "123", Password =
                    "123", ServerName = "123" , Host = ""}.ConnectionString;



  • After some more time asking google I found the following question asked:

    The accepted answer links to, where is explained where the dll looks for the files.

    On Windows, SQL Anywhere searches the following paths relative to each location in the preceding list:



    .\bin32 and ..\bin32 (32-bit programs only)

    .\bin64 and ..\bin64 (64-bit programs only)

    .\java (for Java-related files)

    ..\java (for Java-related files)

    .\scripts (for SQL script files)

    ..\scripts (for SQL script files)

    The necessary files can be found here

    All these files can be found on a SQL Anywhere Installation 12 in the following directory: C:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 12