i have a 2 tables and i do some joins to return a list of records based on some requirement. I am able to write a group by query for my requiremnet and fecth the records,but i need the same in Linq query. my sql query is :
MiscTransaction MT
join MiscService MS
on MT.MiscServiceID = MS.MiscServiceID
group by
where MiscTransaction and MiscService are my two tables.
Any help? Thanks in advance
Try this. I dont know MiscServiceDesc, PaymentAmount, PaymentAmount which of these columns are in MiscTransaction table or MiscService table, but you can change the code appropriatly if needed.
var result = (from mt in MiscTransaction
join ms in MiscService on mt.MiscServiceID equals ms.MiscServiceID
select new {ms.MiscServiceDesc, mt.PaymentAmount} into lst
group lst by lst.MiscServiceDesc into gr
select new {MiscServiceDesc = gr.Key, Summ = gr.Sum(c=>c.PaymentAmount), Count = gr.Count()}