I am doing this script to check if my OctoPrint (3d-printer) is cooling down or not.
By using
#octocmd status
bed: actual=26.0, target=0.0, offset=0
tool0: actual=54.9, target=55.0, offset=0
i will get a data like this.
i am able to check it is printing as i have done this in a bash script
/usr/local/bin/octocmd status | grep 'target=200.0, offset=0'
if [ $? == 0 ]; # if target 200; enter if
echo "Printing in progress, Script will check back in 5 minutes"
/usr/local/bin/octocmd status
sleep 5m
during cooling down i should see
tool0: actual=189.3(decreasing), target=0.0, offset=0
however i am stuck at trying at my ELSE function to check if it is cooling down. Lets say
actual= (**range from 40.0 to 180**), target=0.0, offset=0
so i would like to humbly ask for help on how to detect any range of data from actual=XXX
this is my code currently:
while [ 1 ]
/usr/local/bin/octocmd status | grep 'target=200.0, offset=0' &> /dev/null # grab string $ remove error
if [ $? == 0 ]; # if target 200; enter if
echo "Printing in progress, Script will check back in 5 minutes"
/usr/local/bin/octocmd status
sleep 5m # check every 5 minutes
elif [ -z "/usr/local/bin/octocmd status | /*CHECK IF PRINTER IS COOLING DOWN OR NOT, CHECK ACTUAL=30 ~ 180 */"' 2>&1 /dev/null ];
if [ $? == 0 ];
#enter here if target is cooled with no print job
/usr/local/bin/octocmd status
To complete anubhava answer here is how to include it in bash test:
if [[ $(/usr/local/bin/octocmd status | awk -F 'actual=|[,(]' '$2 >= 40 && $2 <= 180 {print 1}') ]]
echo "OK"
echo "Not OK"