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how to select nodevalue based on another nodevalue via php ?

I have a xml file which contains this :

<ns1:Response xmlns:ns1="">
- <ns1:return>
- <ns1:return>....

Now I want to get nodevalue of mid where nodevalue size has 5, I tried following code but no results:

$doc = new DOMDocument();

$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);

$query = '//Response/return/size[.="5"]/mid';

$entries = $xpath->evaluate($query);

So how can I do that ?

thanks in advance


  • You can also use following::sibling in this case. Get mid value where its following sibling is size with text equal to 5. Rough example:

    $query = 'string(//ns1:Response/ns1:return/ns1:mid[following-sibling::ns1:size[text()="5"]])';

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