In Om, is there a way to add a class to an element based on some value in the main app atom?
Take the following element, for example:
(defn some-component [app owner]
[:div {:class (when (:some-key app) "awesomeclass")} "Some text!"]))))
If I somehow toggle the value of :some-key
between true and false, the class doesn't get added or removed. The value of :some-key
on page load determines whether or not the class gets added.
I am using this idea to conditionally show/hide (using Twitter Bootstrap's hide
class) menu options based on the value of the :access
key in my app state:
[:ul.dropdown-menu {:role "menu"}
[:li {:class (when (:access app) "hide")} [:a.pointer {:on-click #(om/update! app :view :login)} "Login"]]
[:li {:class (when (:access app) "hide")} [:a.pointer {:on-click #(om/update! app :view :register)} "Register"]]
[:li {:class (when-not (:access app) "hide")} [:a.pointer {:on-click #(om/update! app :view :dashboard)} "Dashboard"]]
[:li {:class (when-not (:access app) "hide")} [:a.pointer {:on-click #(om/update! app :view :settings)} "Settings"]]
[:li [:a.pointer {:on-click #(om/update! app :view :about)} "About"]]]
This code works as expected. When I click on "Click Me!", while looking at the Elements in Developer Tools (Chrome), I see the class toggling between "awesomeclass" and disappearing:
(defonce app-state (atom {:some-key true}))
(defn main []
(fn [app owner]
(render [_]
[:div {:class (when (:some-key app) "awesomeclass")}
"Some text!"
[:a {:on-click #(om/transact! app :some-key not)}
"Click Me!"]]))))
{:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))}))
As rojoca pointed out, the problem might be in the way you update app-state
, consider using om/transact!
and om/update!
. If you keep having problems, post the code that updates the state.
Note: I'm running this in Chestnut.