I'm using LinqToExcel to retrieve some information and I can get the data from all my columns except from one. This is the Scenario:
I have 3 columns:
Code Name LastName
89 test1 test2
89-2 test3 test4
90 test5 test6
and to get the list of values I use:
var excel = new LinqToExcel.ExcelQueryFactory(path)
var excelValues = excel.Worksheet<Sheet>("Sheet1").AsEnumerable().Where(p => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.Code));
This returns the following information:
89 |test1|test2
null|test3|test4 //here is my problem
90 |test5|test6
If I change the 89-2 to be 89.2 then it works. Is there any way I can escape the "-" character? or what I'm doing wrong.
LinqToExcel uses the 2nd row to determine datatype, 89 is being considered a number and all subsequent data is considered to be a number. Add a single quote (') prior to the number, e.g. '89 to force excel to set the contents as text.
The first row is used to map column names to class properties