i have run very simple script:
xcopy some.exe c:\folder\ /h/y
and it works normally. but when i try to run .bat file with this code as administrator - cmd line opens for a moment but nothing happens (file not copied). Can anyone explain this issue?
i also tried to use echo xcopy
instead of xcopy
, but nothing had changed.
i need only admin running of .bat file, cause i want to copy file in \windows\system32 folder
when you start a batchfile as administrator, it's working directory is C:\windows\system32\
. So your script doesn't find your file. Either work with absolute paths, or change the working directory.
You can change it to the directory, where your batchfile resides with:
cd /d "%~dp0"
Note: to keep the window open to read any errormessages, append a pause