Whenever I try build WebRTC for Windows, I get this error when running gclient runhooks:
________ running 'C:\path\to\depot_tools\python276_bin\python.exe src/build
/landmines.py' in 'C:\path\to\webrtc\src\chromium' Please follow the instructions
at http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/bui ld-instructions-windows
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src/build/landmines.py", line 215, in <module>
File "src/build/landmines.py", line 202, in main
File "C:\path\to\webrtc\src\chromium\src\build\gyp_environment.py", line 33, in
File "C:\path\to\webrtc\src\chromium\src\build\vs_toolchain.py", line 34, in
File "C:\path\to\webrtc\src\chromium\src\build\vs_toolchain.py", line 179, in
File "C:\path\to\depot_tools\python276_bin\lib\subprocess.py", line 540, in
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['C:\\path\\to\\depot_tools\\python276_bin\\python.exe',
'C:\\path\\to\\depot_tools\\win_toolchain\\get_toolchain_if_necessary.py', '--output-json',
'ee7d718ec60c2dc5d255bbe325909c2021a7efef']' returned non-zero exit status 1
Error: Command C:\path\to\depot_tools\python276_bin\python.exe src/build/landmines.py returned non-zero exit status 1 in C:\path\to\webrtc\src\chromium
Hook ''C:\path\to\depot_tools\python276_bin\python.exe' src/build/landmines.py' took 68.55 secs
Error: Command C:\path\to\depot_tools\python276_bin\python.exe - u src/sync_chromium.py --target-revision 271c6cca48a6cef32c0f3add3b17b700707deec 5 returned non-zero exit status 2 in C:\path\to\webrtc
Hook ''C:\path\to\depot_tools\python276_bin\python.exe' -u src/sync_chromium.py --target-revision 271c6cca48a6cef32c0f3add3b17b700707deec5' took 3842.34 secs
I'm using 64-bit Windows 7 with VS 2013 installed. I've already tried setting the following variables:
GYP_DEFINES='windows_sdk_path="C:\path\to\windows\sdk" platform=win component=shared_library'
Attempting to build chromium also gives the same error. Fetching with nohooks works fine, it's just when I try gclient sync or runhooks that the error occurs. I've also tried building with ninja, and that fails as well. I've got all SDKs and such all up to date. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
I have found this possible solution at Google Code
as per braveyao@webrtc.org
's sugestion
Supporting msvs is not the focus of Chromium. You can try ninja which should always work. Also you could try to set the "GYP_GENERATORS=msvs-ninja,ninja". Then you could build with ninja and debug with VS2013.
Also, chromium is now 64bit only so you need to change GYP_DEFINES
so your envirnment variables should be:
Of course replace 2013
if that's not the version of Visual Studio
you have installed
you may need to delete what you already have downloaded and do a fresh fetch webrtc
after that change if you thinkered with it
I should also add that the Windows must be english version (it's ok if you after install some other language pack but it must be originally english) - i have a PT-PT version at home and that one always gives an error with some python file when running gclient sync - at work though i originally had english version and installed the PT-PT language pack but it works fine
This is what worked for me. Does that work for you?