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Editable checkbox only column in QTableView

I have column with a checkbox in a QTableView. The checkbox is generated by:

  1. returning Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable in overridden flags member function
  2. in overridden data() function I return a Qt::CheckState for role == Qt::CheckStateRole according to data

Works, see screenshot.

But beside the checkbox I have some editable textbox in the column. How can I get rid of this textbox (where I have entered "dsdsdsds" for demonstration? Clarification, the checkbox shall be editable, but nothing else.

Readmode Editmode

As requested, I can only show simplified version

Qt::ItemFlags MyClass::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const {
 Qt::ItemFlags f = QAbstractListModel::flags(index);
 ... return f if index is not target column ....
 // for target column with checkbox
 return (f | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable; )

QVariant MyClass::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const {
  .. do something for other columns
  .. for checkbox column
  if (role != Qt::CheckStateRole) { return QVariant(); }
  bool b = ... get value for checkbox column
  Qt::CheckState cs = b ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked;
  return QVariant(static_cast<int>(cs));

If I remove Qt::ItemIsEditable then the checkbox is read only too. I later found an SO answer with a similar approach.

Remark: No duplicate of A checkbox only column in QTableView


  • Replace the flag


    with the flag


    The first one tells Qt to create an editor for the value present in the model, which seems to be a texteditor in your case. If the value is of type bool then a dropdown list containing true and false would be shown instead.