How to install xsendfile for httpd 2.4 on amazon linux ami? Default package repositories from amazon and epel do not have a package for httpd 2.4, only for httpd 2.2. I would prefer not to compile the module if possible. Thank you.
I'm not aware of a quick Yum/apt-get style install for X-sendfile for Apache24 on an EC2 instance at the time of writing this answer, however compiling and installing the module your self is super easy:
Download mod_xsendfile.c from download section the link below
Install GCC for compiling
sudo yum install gcc
We need httpd24-devel for apxs
sudo yum install httpd24-devel.x86_64
sudo apxs -cia mod_xsendfile.c
Edit your http.conf add
<IfModule mod_xsendfile.c>
XSendFile on
XSendFilePath /home/path/to/private/files/to/serve/
Restart Apache24
sudo service httpd restart
Done !
Check your phpinfo or apache_modules() to confirm all good and modify settings to your liking. Enjoy efficient downloads :)