In a standard Excel VBA code module I’ve created custom formula MyLog10()
to get 10-base Logarithm:
Public Function MyLog10(ByVal dbl_Input As Double) As Double
MyLog10 = Log(dbl_Input) / Log(10)
End Function
Tested for the value of 1000 and got the accurate result of 3. Surprisingly, when applied the Int()
VBA Function to the result of MyLog10()
, it came out as 2. The same was observed with Fix()
VBA function (see the following test Sub):
Sub TestIntMyLog10()
Debug.Print MyLog10(1000) 'Result 3 (accurate)
Debug.Print Int(MyLog10(1000)) 'Result 2 (inaccurate)
Debug.Print Fix(MyLog10(1000)) 'Result 2 (inaccurate)
End Sub
Even more surprising, my custom Function MyLog10(1000)
entered in Excel Worksheet as =MyLog10(1000)
and =INT(MyLog10(1000))
in both cases returns the correct result of 3.
Any explanation for this VBA/Worksheet inconsistency (probably bug)?
Also, by adding a very small number (1E-12) to the output of custom VBA MyLog10()
produced the correct result in both cases (with/without additional Int()
Debug.Print Int (Log10(1000)+1E-12) 'Result 3 (accurate)
After trying multiple type conversions, the solution was found: it is using a Decimal
type as custom Log Function MyLog10Decimal
return type. Following is the code snippet containing a universal VBA solution and test Sub TestIntMyLog10()
' SOLUTION: using output type decimal : Int() and Fix() return correct value
Public Function MyLog10Decimal(ByVal dbl_Input As Double) As Variant
MyLog10Decimal = CDec(Log(dbl_Input) / Log(10))
End Function
'Problem: using output type double: Int() and Fix() may return incorrect
Public Function MyLog10(ByVal dbl_Input As Double) As Double
MyLog10 = Log(dbl_Input) / Log(10)
End Function
Sub TestIntMyLog10()
' ** test sample: input number 1000
'using Log output type double: Int() and Fix() produces incorrect results
Debug.Print MyLog10(1000) 'Result 3 (accurate)
Debug.Print Int(MyLog10(1000)) 'Result 2 (inaccurate)
Debug.Print Fix(MyLog10(1000)) 'Result 2 (inaccurate)
'using Log output type decimal: Int() and Fix() produces correct results
Debug.Print Int(MyLog10Decimal(1000)) 'Result 3 (accurate)
Debug.Print Int(MyLog10Decimal(1000)) 'Result 3 (accurate)
Debug.Print Fix(MyLog10Decimal(1000)) 'Result 3 (accurate)
' ** test sample: input number 0.001
'using Log output type double: Fix() produces incorrect results
Debug.Print MyLog10(0.001) 'Result -3 (accurate)
Debug.Print Int(MyLog10(0.001)) 'Result -3 (accurate)
Debug.Print Fix(MyLog10(0.001)) 'Result -2 (inaccurate)
'using Log output type decimal: Int() and Fix() produces correct results
Debug.Print Int(MyLog10Decimal(0.001)) 'Result -3 (accurate)
Debug.Print Int(MyLog10Decimal(0.001)) 'Result -3 (accurate)
Debug.Print Fix(MyLog10Decimal(0.001)) 'Result -3 (accurate)
End Sub
A bit of explanation. VBA does not support Decimal type as Function parameter/output, so it's declared a Variant with CDec conversion applied to it. So far, it was tested on multiple inputs (>1 and <1) and returns correct results. Also, Excel Worksheet contains a built-in function LOG10(), but VBA does not. Thus, this VBA solution may be used in other Office app without need for Excel Object Library reference.