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How to get all node names between two nodes using neo4jPHP

Till now I was using PHP Rest Api in order to send requests with cypher queries and get a response back. The response is a huge string which makes it difficult to parse and can not be transformed to JSON. I now installed Neo4jPHP and I am trying to figure out how to write the same query I had in cypher. This is my query:

            MATCH (n:RealNode)-[r:contains*]-(z)  WHERE n.gid='123' RETURN n,z;")

What I actually want is to get a list of all the names of the nodes (name is a property inside each node) which is related to my n node. How do I do this?

I can not find many examples for Neo4jPHP onnline and the ones I found seem not to work. I downloaded the latest version from here (

Thanks D.


I try this query in neo4j Server:

     MATCH (n)-[r:KNOWS*]-(z)  WHERE'Arthur Dent' AND'Ford Prefect'  RETURN n,z,r;

and I get all the 3 nodes which are connected to each other. The same query through neo4jPHP will return only the name of one node. Why is this happening?

        $querystring="MATCH path=(n:RealNode {gid:'58731'})-[:contains*]-(z) RETURN [x in nodes(path) |] as names";
        $query=new Everyman\Neo4j\Cypher\Query($client,$querystring); 
        foreach($result as $row){
          echo $row['x']->getProperty('name') . "\n";


  • After lots of trying and some help from Stefan Armbruster I made it work using Neo4jPHP. This is how it looks:

        $client = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client();
        $querystring="MATCH path=(n {gid:'58731'})-[:contains*]-(z) RETURN LAST([x in nodes(path) |]) as names";
        $query=new Everyman\Neo4j\Cypher\Query($client,$querystring); 
        foreach($result as $resultItem){
            $resultArray[] = $resultItem['n'];
        print_r($resultArray); // prints the array

    Neo4jPHP is very handy tool but not very popular. Small community and few examples online. Hope this helps someone.