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Need advice on customizing ListBox template

I have a ListBox of CheckBox values, the number of values vary from time to time, it can be 10, 15, 100, etc..

I would like to customize the way the values are displayed. Currently, if I have 50 values, they are all displayed vertically, just one column.

I would like to have it such that, 1 column will have a maximum of 10 values, and I am able to scroll horizontally to view the values at other columns.

I tried using ItemsPanelTemplate with StackPanel orientation horizontal, but well, all values are now in 1 row.

Please advice.



  • You could try changing the panel used by your ListBox to a WrapPanel instead. Set its Orientation to Vertical, then size the height of the ListBox so it fits 10 items in each "column" before starting a new column.

    <ListBox Height="..."
                <WrapPanel Orientation="Vertical" />

    If you want 10 items in each column but don't want to explicitly set the height of the ListBox then the only solution I can think of is writing a custom Panel.