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Hexagonal grid representing a cellular network as used in mobile communication systems

I am relatively new to Matlab and I want to generate a hexagonal grid that represents a cellular network where each hexagon has a specific behaviour.

My question is how does one go from a square grid to hex grid (transfer matrix)?. This is what I have so far.

[X,Y] = meshgrid(0:60);
figure(1), plot(X,Y,'b')
hold on, plot(Y,X,'b')
axis square


  • A few years ago I wrote some code to do just that:

    %// Define input data:
    close all
    clear all
    M_max = 14; %// number of cells in vertical direction
    N_max = 10; %// number of cells in horizontal direction
    trans = 1;  %// hexagon orientation (0 or 1)
    %// Do the plotting:
    hold on
    for m = -M_max:M_max
        for n = -N_max:N_max
            center = [.5 sqrt(3)/2] + m*[0 -sqrt(3)] + n*[3/2 sqrt(3)/2];
            if ~trans
                plot([center(1)-1 center(1)],[center(2) center(2)])
                plot([center(1) center(1)+1/2],[center(2) center(2)+sqrt(3)/2])
                plot([center(1) center(1)+1/2],[center(2) center(2)-sqrt(3)/2])
            else %// exchange the two arguments to `plot`
                plot([center(2) center(2)],[center(1)-1 center(1)])
                plot([center(2) center(2)+sqrt(3)/2],[center(1) center(1)+1/2])
                plot([center(2) center(2)-sqrt(3)/2],[center(1) center(1)+1/2])
            end %if
        end %for
    end %for
    plot([-15 15],[0 0],'-.') %// adjust length manually
    plot([-15 15],[-15*sqrt(3) 15*sqrt(3)],'-.') %// adjust length manually
    axis image
    axis([-10 10 -13.3 13.3]) %// adjust axis size manually
    set(gca,'Visible','off') %// handy for printing the image

    For example, this is the image generated with the above data:

    enter image description here