I have a class with property of list.
public class Paperboy{
private int _id;
private string _lastname;
private string _firstname;
private string _mobile;
private string _phone;
private IList<string> _additionalPhoneNumbers;
The List is mapped as bag with key and element.
<class name="Paperboy" table="tblPaperboy" lazy="false">
<id name="_id" column="Id" access="field" >
<generator class="assigned"/>
<property name ="_lastname" column="Lastname" access ="field" />
<property name ="_firstname" column="Firstname" access ="field" />
<property name ="_phone" column="Phone" access ="field" />
<property name ="_mobile" column="Mobile" access ="field" />
<bag name="_additionalPhoneNumbers" access="field" fetch="subselect" lazy="false" table="tblPaperboyAdditionalPhoneNumbers">
<key column="PaperboyId"/>
<element column="PhoneNumber" type="string"/>
Now I try to select paberboys by their phone number (_phone, _mobile or in _additionalPhoneNumbers). _phone and _mobile are no problem but I am stuck with the additional numbers.
I tried with criteria api and with query over.
Criteria Api does not know the property AdditionalPhoneNumbers
ICriteria criteria = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Paperboy));
criteria.CreateAlias("_additionalPhoneNumbers", "AdditionalPhoneNumbers");
Disjunction or = Restrictions.Disjunction();
or.Add(Restrictions.Eq("_phone", number));
or.Add(Restrictions.Eq("_mobile", number));
or.Add(Restrictions.Eq("AdditionalPhoneNumbers", number));
return criteria.UniqueResult<Paperboy>();
Query Over does not know Contains:
return query.Where(p => p.Mobile == number || p.Phone == number p.AdditionalPhoneNumbers.Contains(number)).Take(1).SingleOrDefault();
Could someone help me out?
I was pointed to the elements-keyword. After implementing I get an SQL-Exception.
ICriteria criteria = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Paperboy));
criteria.CreateAlias("_additionalPhoneNumbers", "APN");
Disjunction or = Restrictions.Disjunction();
or.Add(Restrictions.Eq("APN.elements", number));
return criteria.UniqueResult<Paperboy>();
Exception like this.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Der mehrteilige Bezeichner 'apn1_.PhoneNumber' konnte nicht gebunden werden.
Problem is the alias for join is not used in the where clause for the property. apn1_ (where) vs. additiona4_ (join).
Produced SQL:
[SELECT TOP (@p0) this_.Id as Id3_1_, this_.BusinessId as BusinessId3_1_, this_.AgencyKey as AgencyKey3_1_, this_.Lastname as Lastname3_1_, this_.Firstname as Firstname3_1_, this_.Title as Title3_1_, this_.Street as Street3_1_, this_.Zip as Zip3_1_, this_.City as City3_1_, this_.Phone as Phone3_1_, this_.Mobile as Mobile3_1_, this_.Comment as Comment3_1_, this_.StaffId as StaffId3_1_, this_.IsActive as IsActive3_1_, agency3_.Id as Id1_0_, agency3_.BusinessId as BusinessId1_0_, agency3_.RegionKey as RegionKey1_0_, agency3_.Shorttext as Shorttext1_0_, agency3_.Longtext as Longtext1_0_, agency3_.CompanyCodeId as CompanyC6_1_0_ FROM tblPaperboy this_ left outer join tblAgency agency3_ on this_.AgencyKey=agency3_.Id inner join tblPaperboyAdditionalPhoneNumbers additiona4_ on this_.Id=additiona4_.PaperboyId WHERE (apn1_.PhoneNumber = @p1)]
Almost the same answer I just gave to previous NHibernate question: QueryOver IList<string> property
Based on this Q & A: NHibernate How do I query against an IList property?
Where I tried to show that (as mentioned in the documentation) we can use magical word ".elements"
So the query which will touch the string elements in your case
//or.Add(Restrictions.Eq("AdditionalPhoneNumbers", number));
or.Add(Restrictions.Eq("AdditionalPhoneNumbers.elements", number));
And that will support filtering IList<string>