I have do some search at this point, none of these working.
I have used the following code:
function <module_name>_menu_alter(&$item)
$item['node/%node']['access arguments'] = array(0);
$item['node/%node']['access callback'] = 'callback';
function callback()
return false
but i find it only controls the access, the link is still there.
and I try another way as :
function <module_name>_menu_link_alter(&$item)
$item['hidden'] = 1;
Yeah this works on most menu EXCEPT the main menu, this really drives me crazy.
BTW the main menu is just articles, I click the 'Provide a menu link' checkbox to add it to the menu.
Any ideas about how to hide them in hook function?
If you want to hide the main menu mabe you should go to your theme settings and uncheck " Main menu" checkbox.
If you wann to hide just an item, go to content and uncheck 'Provide a menu link'.