I have the following code skeleton where a Column
embeds_many Contents
of types Image
and Map
class Column
include Mongoid::Document
embeds_many: contents
accepts_nested_attributes_for :contents, allow_destroy: true
class content
include Mongoid::Document
field :description
class Image < Content
field :src, type: String
class Map < Content
field :latitude, type: String
field :longitude, type: String
Now I want to pass a JSON from my Angular
view to the columns_controller
to create a column with two contents; image and map.
I attempted passing the following hash:
{'column' => 'contents_attributes' => [{_type: 'Image', description: 'image description', src: 'path/to/image'}, {_type: 'Map', description: 'map description', latitude: '25.3321', longitude: '35.32423'}]}
the column_params
method is:
def column_params
params.require(:column).permit(:_id, contents_attributes: [:_id, _type, :description, :src, :latitude, :longitude])
The above raised the following error:
Attempted to set a value for '_type' which is not allowed on the model Content.
as a workaround in the mongoid gem (version 4.0.0) in the file lib/mongoid/relations/builders/nested_attributes/many.rb
I changed the creation of the object in the method process_attributes
at line 109
to be
klass = attrs[:_type].try(:constantize) || metadata.klass
existing.push(Factory.build(klass, attrs)) unless destroyable?(attrs)
instead of
existing.push(Factory.build(metadata.klass, attrs)) unless destroyable?(attrs)
and this solved my problem.