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Dashing - uninitialized constant Nokogiri exception

When I try to start dashing I receive the following error:

scheduler caught exception:
uninitialized constant Nokogiri
/Users/Adam/projects/ticker/jobs/sample.rb:2:in `block in <top (required)>'

my Gemfile is:

source ''

gem 'nokogiri'
gem 'dashing'

my jobs folder consists of one folder, sample.rb:

SCHEDULER.every '2s' do
  oil_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
  a = oil_doc.css("table.std_table_module").first
  price = a.xpath("//td[3]").first.children.text
  send_event('valuation', { current: price })

I have tried adding require 'open-uri' to the Gemfile and sample.rb but it has not helped!


  • The error message is saying that it doesn't know anything about Nokogiri, which is a module defined in the nokogiri gem. In order to bring that into scope, you need to add:

    require 'nokogiri'

    to your sample.rb (usually at the top of the file).