mysql_connect("localhost","username","password") or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("databasename") or die (mysql_error());
$sqlmydata = mysql_query("SELECT id, label, title, info, body FROM table LIMIT 0,10");
// Build the Output Section Here
$outputListdata1 = '';
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqldata)){
$id = $row["id"];
$label = $row["label"];
$title = $row["title"];
$info = $row["info"];
$body = $row["body"];
$outputListdata1 .= '<div class="content1">
<a href= "#" >' .$title. '</a>
</div><!-- end of content1 -->
<div class="content2">
' .$info. '
</div><!-- end of content2 -->';
} // close while loop
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>my site</title>
<div class="container">
<?php print "$outputListdata1"; ?>
</div><!-- end of container -->
look at the line14 in $outputListdata1 where $title is placed in between href:
<a href="#" >' .$title. '</a>
i want to insert a $label variable in place of # inside the href. And so, it should display the result of the variable from my database.
<a href="$label" >' .$title. '</a>
For example:
if my database have the result for the $label variable is karthik means then it should look like(consider variable $title has the result as fan of stack overflow),
<a href="karthik" > fan of stack overflow</a>
i know my question maybe simple or tough but i'm 100% sure you guys come forward with an answer..thanks in advance.
(note: this is my second question so plz excuse it my questioning method is awkward)
Just insert the $Label Var in the Attribute:
$outputListdata1 .= '<div class="content1">
<a href= "' .$label. '" >' .$title. '</a>
</div><!-- end of content1 -->
<div class="content2">' .$info. '</div><!-- end of content2 -->';
You should learn the Basics of PHP, maybe do a Tutorial like this: php-for-the-absolute-beginner.