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Return object for a method inside completion block

I want to make a method with URL parameter that returns the response of calling that URL. How can I return the data obtained inside a completion block for a method?

class func MakeGetRequest(urlString: String) -> (data: NSData, error: NSError)
    let url = NSURL(string: urlString)
    var dataResponse: NSData
    var err: NSError

    let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(url!, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in
           //How can I return the data obtained here....



  • If you want the MakeGetRequest method to return data obtained via dataTaskWithURL, you can't. That method performs an asynchronous call, which is most likely completed after the MakeGetRequest has already returned - but more generally it cannot be know in a deterministic way.

    Usually asynchronous operations are handled via closures - rather than your method returning the data, you pass a closure to it, accepting the parameters which are returned in your version of the code - from the closure invoked at completion of dataTaskWithURL, you call that completion handler closure, providing the proper parameters:

    class func MakeGetRequest(urlString: String, completionHandler: (data: NSData, error: NSError) -> Void) -> Void
        let url = NSURL(string: urlString)
        var dataResponse: NSData
        var err: NSError
        let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(url!, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in
            completionHandler(data: data, error: error)

    Swift 5 update:

    class func makeGetRequest(urlString: String, completionHandler: @escaping (Data?, Error?) -> Void) -> Void {
        let url = URL(string: urlString)!
        var dataResponse: Data
        var err: NSError
        let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url, completionHandler: { (data, respone, error) -> Void in
            completionHandler(data, error)