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Unordered combinations of all lengths

I am looking a function that return me all the unordered combination of a vector. eg

x <- c('red','blue','black')

I guess that there is a function in some library that do this, but in can't find it. I am trying with permutations of gtool but it is not the function i am looking for.


  • You could apply a sequence the length of x over the m argument of the combn() function.

    x <- c("red", "blue", "black"), lapply(seq_along(x), combn, x = x, simplify = FALSE))
    # [[1]]
    # [1] "red"
    # [[2]]
    # [1] "blue"
    # [[3]]
    # [1] "black"
    # [[4]]
    # [1] "red"  "blue"
    # [[5]]
    # [1] "red"   "black"
    # [[6]]
    # [1] "blue"  "black"
    # [[7]]
    # [1] "red"   "blue"  "black"

    If you prefer a matrix result, then you can apply stringi::stri_list2matrix() to the list above.

    stringi::stri_list2matrix(, lapply(seq_along(x), combn, x = x, simplify = FALSE)),
        byrow = TRUE
    #      [,1]    [,2]    [,3]   
    # [1,] "red"   NA      NA     
    # [2,] "blue"  NA      NA     
    # [3,] "black" NA      NA     
    # [4,] "red"   "blue"  NA     
    # [5,] "red"   "black" NA     
    # [6,] "blue"  "black" NA     
    # [7,] "red"   "blue"  "black"