I'm trying to do rake db:migrate on aws, but can't figure out how
Here is my .ebextensions/.config
file, but it doesn't work
postgresql-devel: []
# Run rake tasks before an application deployment
command: bundle config build.pg --with-pg-config=/usr/bin/pg_config
command: "bundle exec rake db:migrate"
leader_only: true
You didn't specify the error message you get and the configuration you picked (e.g. 64bit Amazon Linux 2014.03 v1.0.9 running Ruby 2.1).
However, it seems that you have an error with the file name. You called it .config
while the file name should have a prefix. try renaming it to myapp.config
That said, if you picked the ruby version of the elastic beanstalk instance type, then you don't need to migrate manually as beanstalk will do it for you (as part of its 12_db_migration.sh
If you still need to perform some kind of custom manual migration, go for it.