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Rails: Ordering in nested form

I have a profile model that accept experience model as a nested attributes, and i want to order experience by experience_end_date this is my profile model

has_many :experiences, dependent: :destroy, :order => ("experience_end_date")
accepts_nested_attributes_for :experiences

but this is don't work can some one help in how can i fix this?

the experience_end_date is a date field column in the experience model


  • This is how you specify the order:

    has_many :experiences,
             ->{ order(:experience_end_date) },
             dependent: :destroy

    That will sort by ascending; for descending do this:

    has_many :experiences,
             ->{ order("experience_end_date DESC") },
             dependent: :destroy

    You can usually find answers to such questions in the documentation, either in explanations or in the example code snippets.