I have an application that runs a search. Before allowing submit, it sends an AJAX call to a query to check for a valid zip code, then returns a JSON result which I can parse. I need to do the same thing cross-domain now and I know that I have to use the full url and JSONP format instead, but I'm not sure how to set that up.
The AJAX Call
I send a zip code that gets run through a query.
if (zipLength == 5) {
//location of the cfc
url: "cfc/test.cfc",
//function name and url variables to send
data: {method:'zip_lookup', zip:zip},
//function run on success takes the returned json object and reads values.
success: function(obj) {
var response = $.parseJSON(obj);
if (response.formError == true) {
The CFC in Coldfusion That Runs The Query
<!---Makes sure entered zip exists--->
<cffunction name="zip_lookup" access="remote">
<cfquery name="qZip">
Select Distinct ZipCode
From zipcodes
Where ZipCode = ''
<!---Return an error if zip was not found--->
<cfif qZip.RecordCount EQ 0>
<cfset formError = true>
<cfset message = "Invalid Zip">
<cfset formError = false>
<cfset message = "">
<cfset obj =
"formError" = formError,
"message" = message
<cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace="Yes">
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="No" showdebugoutput="No">
The JSON Response
This is what the query returns.
{"message":"Invalid Zip","formError":true}
Dealing With The Response
As I have above in the AJAX success function, I can grab the formError or message variables out of the JSON response. How I can I do this with JSONP?
success: function(obj) {
var response = $.parseJSON(obj);
if (response.formError == true) {
I have the answer.
Please note the original posted code works perfectly fine with a normal JSON response.
This is the way I got the JSONP response working.
The AJAX Call
//Location of the cfc
url: "http://yourFullUrl/test.cfc",
//Function name and url variables to send
data: {method:'zip_lookup', zip:zip},
//Set to JSONP here
//The name of the function that's sent back
//Optional because JQuery will create random name if you leave this out
//This defaults to true if you are truly working cross-domain
//But you can change this for force JSONP if testing on same server
//Function run on success takes the returned jsonp object and reads values.
success: function(responseData) {
//Pulls the variables out of the response
The CFC in Coldfusion That Runs The Query
<cffunction name="zip_lookup" access="remote" returntype="string" returnformat="plain" output="false">
<cfquery name="qZip">
Select Distinct ZipCode
From zipcodes
Where ZipCode = ''
<!---Return an error if zip was not found--->
<cfif qZip.RecordCount EQ 0>
<cfset formError = true>
<cfset message = "Invalid Zip">
<cfset formError = false>
<cfset message = "">
<!---Important to have double quotes around the name and value. --->
<!---I missed this before --->
return '#arguments.callback#({"formError": "#formError#", "message": "#message#"});';
The Formatted JSONP Response
//Using the name from the jsonpCallback setting in the AJAX call
callback({"formError": "true", "message": "Invalid Zip"});