Here is the thing. I have following structure of my LESS files:
/less/includes1/*.less (a lot of less files)
/less/includes2/*.less (a lot of less files)
I am using gulp to compile my LESS files. Source:
gulp.task('less', function () {
var combined = combiner.obj([
// any errors in the above streams will get caught by this listener, instead of being thrown:
combined.on('error', console.error.bind(console));
return combined;
The problem is in the specified path. I understand this path ./less/**/*.less
like this: Recursively go through all folders and compile all files that ends .less
. Problem is that compiler wants to compile each file one by one and doesnt know that all files are included to my source.less
. It doesnt look for root files and doesnt know what files are included parts and what are root files.
How do I tell LESS parser which files are root and which files are to be imported. In SASS it is specified via underscore in file name like this: _includedPart.scss.
Well you can use See: How can I use a glob to ignore files that start with an underscore?
var condition = '_*.less'; //exclude condition
In many situations you all your Less code into a single CSS file. Your main file(s) contain @import
directive which point all other required Less files.