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assetPath returns different Urls

I am using Grails 2.4.4 and compile ":asset-pipeline:1.9.9" with compile ":sass-asset-pipeline:1.9.2".

My config.groovy has the following entries:

grails.serverURL = ""
grails.serverName = ""

When I use

${assetPath(src: 'logoSmall.png', absolute: true)} 

on a GSP view I get the following url:

Which is the correct url.

When I render the GSP view in a Service with:

PageRenderer groovyPageRenderer

def contents = groovyPageRenderer.render(template: "/pathToMyGSP", model:[])

I the contents view my path becomes: Note that the / before the assets disappeared. This happens only when I use groovyPageRenderer.render when I use g.render it does not happen.

How do I get the correct asset url?


  • This bug has been fixed in a more recent version of the asset-pipeline plugin (2.0.21, I think).