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angular-ui-router traceur controller assignation

I am trying to assign the controller to the state in ui-router. The controller is compiled by traceur.

State assignation looks like this:

    .state('form', {
       url: '/form'
     , templateUrl: 'views/form.html'
     , controller: 'FormController as Form'

Compiled controller looks like this:

var FormController = function FormController($stateParams, $http) { = {};
  this._stateParams = $stateParams;
  this._http = $http;
  this.formTemplate = "";
($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FormController, {
  submit: function() {
}, {});

I obviously receive a runtime error which says that FormController is not a function. Is there a way around it? Any other solution?


  • There is working example - I just changed the order of definition

    var app = angular.module('brokenApp', ['ui.router'])
    // controller def in JS world
    var FormController = function ($sc, $stateParams, $http) {
      $sc.title = "hello from scope";
      this.title = "hello from controller"; = {};
      this._stateParams = $stateParams;
      this._http = $http;
      this.formTemplate = ""; 
    // DI
    FormController.$inject = ['$scope', '$stateParams', '$http']
    // controller injection into angular
    app.controller('FormController', FormController); 

    There is new form.html

    <h1>Hello Plunker!</h1>
    <h3>$scope.title: </h3>
    <h3>controller.title: </h3>

    Instead of this original code:

    angular.module('brokenApp', ['ui.router'])
    .controller('FormController', FormController);
    //# sourceURL=app-wrapper.js
    "use strict";
    var FormController = function FormController($stateParams, $http) { = {};
      this._stateParams = $stateParams;
      this._http = $http;
      this.formTemplate = "";

    Check the working version here