I had to redo a script using the following start and end code in ASP using CDOSYS. (I do not know much about ASP or ASP.NET) The smtp I used requires user/pass auth. yet the E-Mail sent anyways without me putting that info. Does this mean the smtp server allows relaying with only the E-Mail address?
Set Mailer = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
If IsObject(Mailer) = True Then
Mailer.From = request.Form("FROM")
Mailer.To="[email protected]"
Mailer.Configuration.Fields.Item _
Mailer.Configuration.Fields.Item _
Mailer.Configuration.Fields.Item _
stupid me.
I did not Tshoot enough. My MTA allows domain to domain (my Email to my Email) relay. However if I tried my E-Mail to another Email (domain) I get Relay access denied.