the problem was getting the Comments for Feeds that are stored in different Classes on Parse, the actual Problem is getting the body out of the class as String.
I always get an error saying "PFObject is not a subtype of NSString"
var Comments = [PFObject]()
var FeedObjects = self.Feeds[indexPath.row]
var CommentObjects = Comments
var queryComment = PFQuery(className:"Comment")
queryComment.whereKey("post", equalTo: FeedObjects)
queryComment.selectKeys(["body", "author"])
queryComment.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock { (objects:[AnyObject]!, error:NSError!) -> Void in
if error == nil {
var Comments = objects as [PFObject]
self.Comments = Comments
The output at this stage is
[<Comment: 0x7ffa98f2a560, objectId: efB384DliK, localId: (null)> {
author = test;
body = test;
Thank you in advance.
Ok, to answer your question. The error you get is actually self-explanatory. You are trying to convert a PFObject
to an NSString
, which of course will not work.
The error occurs when you call
var Comment = CommentObjects["body"] as String!
as you mentioned. This happens because you define CommentObjects
like this:
var CommentObjects = Comments
and Comments
var Comments = [PFObject]()
This a) does not make much sense and b) causes your error, because CommentObjects
is actually an array of PFObjects
and thus CommentObjects["body"]
returns a PFObject
which you are trying to convert to a string.