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Boolean for #!@ keywords vim

I'm trying to do a syntax highlight regex in my _vimrc etc to highlight specific commands in comments for a visual cue.

The match should be \s followed by either a # or ! then a \s or a \S then anything until the next \s followed by either a # or a ! then a \s

eg the following lines should match with the bolded parts being what I want highlighted.


" To run this use # <leader>R ! to execute the command

#highlight # various items

" another way is to # highlight # the line


So far I've tried

syn match myhelpComment "\s#\|!\(\s\|\S\)\+[#!]\s"

The regex above matches the \s# but not \s! below but doesn't match the text in between them.

syn match myhelpComment "\s#\|!\(\s\|\S\).*\s[#!]\s"

The regex above matches the bolded areas below which isn't quite right

" To run this use # R ! ` to execute the command

" another way is to # highlight # the line

This works in help.vim not in vim.vim and I have absolutely no idea why

syn match myhelpComment     "\s[:#!].\{-}\s[:#!]\s" --- Works in help.vim

But the following in vim.vim and

syn match myvimSpecial      "\s[:#!].\{-}\s[:#!]\s"
hi def link myvimSpecial        mySpecial


SynColor mySpecial  term=bold cterm=NONE ctermfg=LightRed ctermbg=LightBlue gui=NONE guifg=LightRed guibg=#E6E600

Any suggestions on how to get the regex I want to work or why the one that works in help.vim works but doesn't work in vim.vim?


  • The reason that works in help, but not Vim files is that your definition interferes with the default syntax/vim.vim definitions. As you'd like to match inside comments, your :syn match has to be containedin=... the corresponding group for comments:

    syn match myvimSpecial      "\s[:#!].\{-}\s[:#!]\s" containedin=vimLineComment