I already searched my ItemTemplates in Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Web\MVC\1033
It doesn't contain an AddController itemtemplate as in Asp.Net MVC 4.
I had a choice in other projects between adding WebApi Controller and WebController, somehow it dissapeared.
My menu in Tools - Customize seems to be okay...
I also repaired Visual Studio
Could there be anything else that's wrong?
No, usually MVC5 has this entry in the context menu, if you right click this folder. Try: Right-Click "Controllers" folder > Add > New Scaffolded Item... > "Click here to go online and find more scaffolding extensions" and install "Microsoft Visual Studio ASP.NET MVC5 Scafolding".
If you do not have the "New Scaffolded Item" entry, just click "New Item", the link to the online library of extensions can also be found there.
Let me know if this works.