So I successfully have a nice textArea setup to get user input that will post into a web form I have created. I want to add @mention functionality to the text area, so that if a user types @somename, as they are typing it will query a JSON web service to pull up some values of possible name matches.
My first starting point is to somehow detect changes in the textArea to see if a user is trying to @mention someone
Any thoughts or ideas on how to approach this?
Thank you!
To detect changes in text area you can use change event. Following code would help to start things :
var textArea = Ti.UI.createTextArea({
borderWidth: 2,
borderColor: '#bbb',
borderRadius: 5,
color: '#888',
font: {fontSize:20, fontWeight:'bold'},
textAlign: 'left',
value: 'I am a textarea',
top: 60,
width: 300, height : 70
textArea.addEventListener("change", textAreaValueChanged);
function textAreaValueChanged() {
var newTextAreaValue = textArea.value;
// now parse this newTextAreaValue according to your need and hit webservice