I am implementing an emulator for an old game console, mostly for learning purposes.
This console maps roms, and a lot of other things, to regions within its address space. Certain locations are also mirrored so that multiple addresses can correspond to the same physical location. I would like to emulate this, but I am not sure what would be a good approach to do so (and also have no idea what this process is called, hence this somewhat generic question).
One thing that does work is a simple, unordered map. Have it contain absolute addresses and the corresponding pointers to my data structures. This way, I can easily map everything I need into the system's address space. The problem with this approach is that, it's obviously a memory hog. Even with small roms, I end up with close to ten million entries, thanks to the aforementioned mirroring. Surely, this can't be the rigth thing to do?
Any help is much appreciated.
To provide some details as to how exactly I am doing this:
The system in question is, of course, the SNES. Using this wiki as my primary resource, I implemeted what I mentioned above as follows:
std::unordered_map<uint32,uint8_t*> mMemoryMap;
If I now want to access anything within the address space, I can simply use the address the system would use internally.
I'm assuming that for contiguous addresses the physical locations are also contiguous, within certain blocks of memory or "chunks". That is, if the address 0x0000 maps to 0xFF00, then 0x0004 maps to 0xFF04.
If they work like that, then you can make a list that contains the information of those chunks. Say:
struct Chunk
int addressStart, memoryStart, size;
The chunks may be ordered by the addressStart, so you can find out the correct chunk you would need for any address. This requires you to iterate the list, but if you have only a few chunks this may be acceptable.