I need help to output a random text.
I've been given a text with 25k words, from this text_file
I've been calculating the probability for the single letters, and the single words to see which letters/words have been used most.
Now I need to make a other text with 500 letters, but this text should include the probability that I have calculated, and should be wroten by the letters that I "found" from the first text.
It's like: Text1 -> do probability over the usen letters, which letters have been represented most. Make text2 -> use the probability u found from text1.
Hope u can help me, Im new in Python.
The easiest thing is to randomly select letters of the 25k file. Then the resultant has the same probability as the original.
import random
print(''.join(random.choice(original_text) for _ in range(500)))