We want to deploy aerospike as replacement for memcache. We have two servers to deploy it.
For cache we don't want data replication across multiple nodes. In our architecture we have one cache on each node.
Now issue with aerospike is it's shared nothing architecture which increases the sync between two nodes. Data transfer leads to lot of bandwidth between two machines. As we are on 1gbps network and caching space is around 4Gb, it really uses up all bandwidth once the cache start to filling up.
We just want to use aerospike without its cluster support.
Anyway to turn it off in the aerospike.conf ?
That's definitely possible. In the namespace configuration you would state that the replication-factor is 1:
namespace cache {
memory-size 4G
storage-engine memory
replication-factor 1
high-water-memory-pct 80 # Evict non-zero TTL data if capacity exceeds 80%
default-ttl 432000 # select a non-zero TTL that makes sense to your use-case
With a non-zero TTL the eviction of data happens based on a histogram, with the result being similar to the Memcached LRU eviction. What that number of seconds is will be something you need to estimate. Just be aware that TTL is reset whenever data is written to the record.