Search code examples

Given key\value pairs, find all rules that satisfy and return true

Here is an interesting problem I've been brainstorming today.

Given an object with key/value pairs and a system/tool with defined rules/queries, find all rules that return true.

For example given a person:

    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "Age": 28,
    "Gender": "Male",
    "Location": "USA"

And given some rules:

Rule 1: Location = USA AND (Gender = Male OR Age < 20)
Rule 2: Location != USA AND (Gender = Female OR Age > 25)

I'd expect the system to return all the rules that would be true given the object. Then based on the rule that was true, do a specific action.

That's a simple example. The fun bits:

  • The passed object can have any number of different key\value pairs
  • There could be hundreds or thousands of different rules that need to be executed
  • Rules can contain any combination of the key value pairs
  • Performance and usability are the key
  • Usable in a .Net application

The idea for a custom implementation is:

Do map reduce and only return the rules that contain the keys from the object. This would reduce the number of rules that need to be executed, but could still be a few hundred rules.

Take each rule and execute it with the given values to see if it returns true.

Is there a better way to do this? Is there any tool (hopefully open source) that would already accomplish this?

The searches did not return much, and I could not even think of a proper search to do.


After some more searching online, it turns out this is solvable using Rete Algorithm and numerous implementation in .Net and Java world.

This is the path I am currently headed down. If anyone has any better suggestions please provide them.


  • Why a separate step to map

    Just abort the test ASAP

    private bool? ruleMe (person p, rule r) 
        foreach (string rKey in r.ExtractKeys())
           if(!p.ContainsKey(rKey)) return (bool?)null;
        // process r 

    or extend both to create a HaskSet of Key

    public class person 
        private HashSet<String> hSkey;
        public HashSet<String> HSkey 
            if (hSkey == null)
               hSkey = new HashSet<String>();
               // populate hSkey
            return hSkey;
    private bool? ruleMe (person p, rule r) 
        if(!r.HSkey.IsProperSubset(p.HSkey))  // O(n of r.HSKey) 
           return (bool?)null;
        // process r 