John Hughes, in his famous article entitled Why Functional Programming Matters, describes data types for lists and ordered labelled trees,
listof * ::= Nil | Cons * (listof *) treeof * ::= Node * (listof (treeof *))
and a function called foldtree
foldtree f g a (Node label subtrees) = f label (foldtree f g a subtrees) foldtree f g a (Cons subtree rest) = g (foldtree f g a subtree) (foldtree f g a rest) foldtree f g a Nil = a
I've implemented those two data types in Haskell and I'm currently trying to implement foldtree
data Listof a = Nil | Cons a (Listof a)
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
-- implementation of some list functions... (skipped)
data Treeof a = Node a (Listof (Treeof a))
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
foldtree f g a (Node label subtrees) = f label (foldtree f g a subtrees)
foldtree f g a (Cons subtree rest) = g (foldtree f g a subtree) (foldtree f g a rest)
foldtree f g a Nil = a
but I'm getting type mismatches:
Couldn't match expected type ‘Treeof t’
with actual type ‘Listof (Treeof t)’
Relevant bindings include
subtrees :: Listof (Treeof t) (bound at whyFunMatters.hs:27:28)
label :: t (bound at whyFunMatters.hs:27:22)
f :: t -> t1 -> t1 (bound at whyFunMatters.hs:27:10)
foldtree :: (t -> t1 -> t1)
-> (t1 -> t1 -> t1) -> t1 -> Treeof t -> t1
(bound at whyFunMatters.hs:27:1)
In the fourth argument of ‘foldtree’, namely ‘subtrees’
In the second argument of ‘f’, namely ‘(foldtree f g a subtrees)’
After thinking some more about Hughes (pseudo)implementation of foldtree
, I'm not so sure I understand it, and those type mismatches now seem obvious to me. More specifically, the type of foldtree
's fourth argument doesn't seem consistent across the three patterns:
Treeof a
, whereasListof (Treeof a)
.What am I missing?
A proper definition should consist of a pair of mutually recursive functions, one for folding trees and one for folding forests (lists of trees):
foldtree :: (a -> c -> b) -> (b -> c -> c) -> c -> Treeof a -> b
foldtree f g a (Node label subtrees) = f label (foldforest f g a subtrees)
foldforest :: (a -> c -> b) -> (b -> c -> c) -> c -> Listof (Treeof a) -> c
foldforest f g a (Cons subtree rest) = g (foldtree f g a subtree) (foldforest f g a rest)
foldforest f g a Nil = a
I think the author has mistakenly combined two different (but closely related) functions together. I suspect what the author wrote is not really Haskell but more of a Haskell-like pseudocode, so the code was just used to present the algorithm in an informal way.
Note that the paper seems to suggest it's Miranda, a predecessor of Haskell, but I can't confirm if this is legal Miranda code either.