class doesn't store information about timezones. I have to store NSTimeZone
separately. I can't find any way to get timezone from string like: "2015-01-09T00:00:00+02:00"
or "2015-01-09T02:00:00Z
. Could you help me please?
I suggest using library for formatting Date data format. I can recommend ISO8601 date formatter - https://github.com/boredzo/iso-8601-date-formatter and using it's [dateFormatter dateComponentsFromString:
method to get NSDateComponents
Just to include example with metioned library:
ISO8601DateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[ISO8601DateFormatter alloc] init];
dateFormatter.includeTime = YES;
NSString *testTime = @"2015-01-09T00:00:00+02:00";
NSTimeZone *timeZone;
NSDateComponents *components = [dateFormatter dateComponentsFromString:testTime timeZone:&timeZone];
Printing description of timeZone:
GMT+0200 (GMT+2) offset 7200