I am writing a small function that will calculate the contents of a TextBox after the KeyPress event, but during the KeyPress event. I know, it sounds strange. :)
The reason for this is because I have been given a project at work, where I am to fix any errors in a current program.
There is currently a TextBox, which triggers a search on a SQL Server, in the KeyPress event. This searches for the current contents of the TextBox concatenated with Chr(KeyAscii)
This means that if your TextBox contains Hello and your cursor is at the end of the word it will work correctly, but if you have the o selected and press a it will search for Helloa instead of Hella.
So to correct, this I have come up with the following function
Private Function TextAfterKeyPress(Ctrl As Control, KeyAscii As Integer) As String
Dim strUnSelLeft As String
Dim strUnSelRight As String
Dim strSel As String
Dim strMid As String
With Ctrl
strUnSelLeft = ""
strUnSelRight = ""
strMid = .Text
Select Case KeyAscii
Case 1 ' Ctrl + A
' No change to text
Case 3 ' Ctrl + C
' No change to text
Case 8 ' BackSpace
If .SelStart = 0 Then
' No change to text
If .SelLength = 0 Then
strUnSelLeft = Left(.Text, .SelStart - 1)
strUnSelRight = Right(.Text, Len(.Text) - (.SelStart + .SelLength))
strMid = ""
strUnSelLeft = Left(.Text, .SelStart)
strUnSelRight = Right(.Text, Len(.Text) - (.SelStart + .SelLength))
strMid = ""
End If
End If
Case 9 ' Tab
' No change to text
Case 13 ' Return
' No change to text
Case 22 ' Ctrl + V
strUnSelLeft = Left(.Text, .SelStart)
strUnSelRight = Right(.Text, Len(.Text) - (.SelStart + .SelLength))
strMid = Clipboard.GetText
Case 24 ' Ctrl + X
If .SelLength = 0 Then
' No change to text
strUnSelLeft = Left(.Text, .SelStart)
strUnSelRight = Right(.Text, Len(.Text) - (.SelStart + .SelLength))
strMid = ""
End If
Case 26 ' Ctrl + Z
Case 27 ' Esc
' No Change to text
Case 137, 153, 160, 169, 188, 189, 190, 215, 247 ' Disallowed Chars
' No Change to text
Case 128 To 255 ' Allowed non standard Chars
strUnSelLeft = Left(.Text, .SelStart)
strUnSelRight = Right(.Text, Len(.Text) - (.SelStart + .SelLength))
strMid = Chr(KeyAscii)
Case 32 To 127 ' Standard Printable Chars
strUnSelLeft = Left(.Text, .SelStart)
strUnSelRight = Right(.Text, Len(.Text) - (.SelStart + .SelLength))
strMid = Chr(KeyAscii)
Case Else
End Select
TextAfterKeyPress = strUnSelLeft & strMid & strUnSelRight
End With
End Function
Now for the section where it says "Case 26", it will perform an undo action, and then the search won't work correctly again.
Is there any way to find out what the contents of the TextBox will be when you press Ctrl + Z, but during the KeyPress in which it happens? The KeyPress event fires before the content of the TextBox changes so I would need to find out what is in the Undo buffer so that I can run a correct search.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I have worked with textbox APIs a bit ..And i don't think you can deal with its UNDO buffer due to its limitation.. but something you can do is to manually send an UNDO then read the textbox content.
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Private Const EM_UNDO = &HC7
Case 26
KeyAscii = 0
SendMessage .hwnd, EM_UNDO, ByVal 0, ByVal 0
strMid = .Text
If you only need to read the text and not to change it you can send an another UNDO msg to get the text to its previous content.