I have been creating a program that sorts files and I need a try to catch an error
here is the code:
shutil.move(path, directory)
except OSError:
print 'ERROR: File name already in use'
but when I try this the error:
except OSError:
IndentationError: unexpected unindent
Any suggestion would be appreciated
Pasting your code into a text editor that shows whitespace, I see you mix tabs and spaces.
This is generally a bad idea - although a tab character may look like four spaces in your editor and on Stack Overflow, Python actually interprets it as a variable number of spaces between 1 and 8! (See Lexical Analysis - Indentation for more detail.)
Rewrite your code so it uses only spaces.
shutil.move(path, directory)
except OSError:
print 'ERROR: File name already in use'