I am new in Specs2. I read the specs2 documentation but it's kinda confusing. I don't know if it's possible or not.
So I have Specs2 test code roughly like this:
"DataServiceTest" should {
"InsertNewData" in {
val name = "some name here"
val description = "some description here"
// Assumed DataService.insertNewData method execute the insertion
// and returns "Data" model.
Data data = DataService.insertNewData(name, description)
// Checking of equality here
data.name === name
data.description === description
// Assumed the "Data" model has List[SubData] property "subData"
// and the code below is checking the List[SubData]
data.subData.foreach {
1. Is there a way to give message for these parts?
data.name === name
data.description === description
Something like "Checking data's name" in { data.name === name }
. So the message will be shown on the output screen when the test is executed whether it's success or failed.
2. Is there a way to group the sub-code inside the "InsertNewData" by giving a text message like this:
"DataServiceTest" should {
"InsertNewData" in {
val name = "some name here"
val description = "some description here"
// Assumed DataService.insertNewData method execute the insertion
// and returns "Data" model.
Data data = DataService.insertNewData(name, description)
"Checking basic properties of Data" in {
// Checking of equality here
data.name === name
data.description === description
"Checking subData" in {
// Assumed the "Data" model has List[SubData] property "subData"
// and the code below is checking the subData
data.subData must have size(3)
data.subData.foreach {
Based on one of answer here, I tried this:
"Checking of equality" ! e1
def e1 = {
data.name === name
data.description === description
It didn't work as it should fail. But the test result is all passed.
I did some experiment of nested in
"DataServiceTest" should {
"my test" in {
"hello test" in { // this block is not executed
"hello" !== "hello"
"world" === "world"
The result is success, but it should fail because of "hello" !== "hello"
. Looking from console screen, the is no "hello test" message, so it seems nested in
block doesn't get executed.
Based on edited answer by eric, I edited the code in Update #2:
"DataServiceTest" >> {
"my test" >> {
"hello test" >> { // this block is not executed
"hello" !== "hello"
"world" === "world"
Same result, the "hello test"
nested block didn't get executed.
An easy way to create small examples based on one "ACT" call is to use a lazy val like this:
"DataServiceTest should" >> {
"InsertNewData" >> {
val name = "some name here"
val description = "some description here"
// Assumed DataService.insertNewData method execute the insertion
// and returns "Data" model.
lazy val data = DataService.insertNewData(name, description)
"name must be ok" >> {
data.name === name
"description must be ok" >> {
data.description === description
"subdata must be ok" >> {
data.subData.foreach {