I have a form, using hiccup framework. It looks like this:
(form-to {:enctype "multipart/form-data"}
[:post "/add-data"]
(submit-button {:class "btn"} "Save")
(submit-button {:class "btn} "Clone"))
How do I know which submit button got pressed, without using jQuery/javascript?
I looked at the Hiccup's documentation for request
. But, the request
element does not have a lot of documentation.
A complete example looks like:
(ns myapp.routes.home
(:use [hiccup core form])
(:require [compojure.core :refer :all]))
(defn quick-form [& [name message error]]
(form-to {:enctype "multipart/form-data"}
[:post "/form-out"]
(text-field "Hello")
(submit-button {:class "btn" :name "submit"} "Save")
(submit-button {:class "btn" :name "submit"} "Clone"))))
Note that using the same name for both submit buttons allows you to do a simple lookup of the "submit" key in the result map.
(defroutes home-routes
(GET "/form-in" [] (quick-form))
(POST "/form-out" [:as request] (str (request :multipart-params))))
When opening the following page:
And filling the form, the result out of the POST route is:
{"submit" "Save", "Hello" "hello2"}
By the way, I found an old useful post about the way the request map is structured in Compojure, so it makes it easier to destructure it in the Clojure code.