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Shared Sessions between Node Apps?

I currently have two separate node apps running on two different ports but share the same backend data store. I need to share users sessions between the two apps so that when a user logs into through one app, their session is available and they appear to logged into the other app. In this case, its' a public facing website and an administrative backend.

Our setup is the following:

  • node with express
  • passport is being used to handle auth with Local Strategy
  • we're using connect-redis to allow us to share sessions via redis.
  • our domains look like this: and

The config for for session stuff (and redis) is the same for both apps:

session: {
    options: {
        secret: "my secret",
        cookie: {
            domain: "",
    redis: {
        host: 'my host',
        maxAge: 86400000,
        secret: "my secret"

The config for session stuff in app.js looks like this:

if ( app.settings.env === "production" ) { = new RedisStore(session.redis);
app.use(passport.session({ secret: 'a different secret' }));

What I expect it to do: Allow us to see the same session id in the cookie between the two apps.

So my question is: How do I set up express, redis and passport so that you can have sessions shared across different subdomains?


  • Maybe a bit outdated, but at this time, Express-session can recognise domain option for cookie. According to source:

    function session(options){
      var options = options || {}
      //  name - previously "options.key"
        , name = || options.key || 'connect.sid'
        , store = || new MemoryStore
        , cookie = options.cookie || {}

    And this is for setting cookie:

    var Cookie = module.exports = function Cookie(options) {
      this.path = '/';
      this.maxAge = null;
      this.httpOnly = true;
      if (options) merge(this, options);

    So, something like this will work for current 1.10.1 master:

    secret: "my secret",
        cookie: {
            domain: "",