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Drupal performance file_scan_directory/opendir taking over 500ms

After profiling drupal7.34 instance using XHProf I see that the opendir function called by file_scan_dir which recurses to 15 depth is taking long execution time. file_scan_dir is in turn called by drupal_system_listing (3 calls)

Function   Calls  Ex Wall  Wall %
opendir    1608   500ms    27%
ob_flush   1      270ms    17%
is_dir     10,872 107ms     7%
preg_match 20,597  85ms     5%

Key Settings

**php.ini (PHP5.3.3)**
memory_limit = 512MB
realpath_cache_size = 1024k
max_execution_time = 90

apc.shm_size=192M  (free 100MB after several loads)

The drupal files are on a NFS filesystem so I expect it to be bit slow. When I change apc.stat=0 and restart apache. I expected opendir overhead to disappear as most of the files will be read from opcache, but these numbers don't change at all after many reloads of the same page.

I did check that I have no missing modules which is a known issue with drupal 7. Still it looks like drupal is searching for some file which is missing.

Any ideas what may be causing this issue?


  • I found the problem by temporarily adding dpm(func_get_args()); in as discussed here

    Turned out that AT-commerce version 7.x-3.0 theme which is not properly checking other optional modules causing severe performance degradation.

    The fix saved over 900ms on every page load, which has a big impact

    I have provided a suggested fix for the drupal module Listing it here for completeness

      * Implements hook_css_alter().
     function at_commerce_css_alter(&$css) {
       // Replace all Commerce module CSS files with our own for total control over all        styles.
       // Commerce module uses the BAT CSS file naming convention (base, admin, theme).
       $path = drupal_get_path('theme', 'at_commerce');
       // cart
       if (module_exists('commerce_cart')){
           $cart_theme = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_cart') . '/theme/commerce_cart.   theme.css';
           if (isset($css[$cart_theme])) {
             $css[$cart_theme]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_cart.theme.css';
             $css[$cart_theme]['group'] = 1;
       // checkout
       if (module_exists('commerce_checkout')){
           $checkout_base  = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_checkout') . '/theme/         commerce_checkout.base.css';
           $checkout_admin = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_checkout') . '/theme/         commerce_checkout.admin.css';
           $checkout_theme = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_checkout') . '/theme/         commerce_checkout.theme.css';
           if (isset($css[$checkout_base])) {
             $css[$checkout_base]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_checkout.base.     css';
             $css[$checkout_base]['group'] = 1;
           if (isset($css[$checkout_admin])) {
             $css[$checkout_admin]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_checkout.admin.   css';
             $css[$checkout_admin]['group'] = 1;
           if (isset($css[$checkout_theme])) {
             $css[$checkout_theme]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_checkout.theme.   css';
             $css[$checkout_theme]['group'] = 1;
       // customer
       if (module_exists('commerce_customer')){
           $customer_admin = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_customer') . '/theme/         commerce_customer.admin.css';
           if (isset($css[$customer_admin])) {
             $css[$customer_admin]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_customer.admin.   css';
             $css[$customer_admin]['group'] = 1;
       // file (contrib)
       if (module_exists('commerce_file')){
           $file_forms = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_file') . '/theme/commerce_file.   forms.css';
           if (isset($css[$file_forms])) {
             $css[$file_forms]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_file.forms.css';
             $css[$file_forms]['group'] = 1;
       // line items
       if (module_exists('commerce_line_item')){
           $line_item_admin = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_line_item') . '/theme/       commerce_line_item.admin.css';
           $line_item_theme = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_line_item') . '/theme/       commerce_line_item.theme.css';
           if (isset($css[$line_item_admin])) {
             $css[$line_item_admin]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_line_item.admin. css';
             $css[$line_item_admin]['group'] = 1;
           if (isset($css[$line_item_theme])) {
             $css[$line_item_theme]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_line_item.theme. css';
             $css[$line_item_theme]['group'] = 1;
       // order
       if (module_exists('commerce_order')){
           $order_admin = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_order') . '/theme/               commerce_order.admin.css';
           $order_theme = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_order') . '/theme/               commerce_order.theme.css';
           if (isset($css[$order_admin])) {
             $css[$order_admin]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_order.admin.css';
             $css[$order_admin]['group'] = 1;
           if (isset($css[$order_theme])) {
             $css[$order_theme]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_order.theme.css';
             $css[$order_theme]['group'] = 1;
       // payment
       if (module_exists('commerce_payment')){
           $payment_admin = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_payment') . '/theme/           commerce_payment.admin.css';
           $payment_theme = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_payment') . '/theme/           commerce_payment.theme.css';
           if (isset($css[$payment_admin])) {
             $css[$payment_admin]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_payment.admin.     css';
             $css[$payment_admin]['group'] = 1;
           if (isset($css[$payment_theme])) {
             $css[$payment_theme]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_payment.theme.     css';
             $css[$payment_theme]['group'] = 1;
       // price
       if (module_exists('commerce_price')){
           $price_theme = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_price') . '/theme/               commerce_price.theme.css';
           if (isset($css[$price_theme])) {
             $css[$price_theme]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_price.theme.css';
             $css[$price_theme]['group'] = 1;
       // product
       if (module_exists('commerce_product')){
           $product_admin = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_product') . '/theme/           commerce_product.admin.css';
           $product_theme = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_product') . '/theme/           commerce_product.theme.css';
           if (isset($css[$product_admin])) {
             $css[$product_admin]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_product.admin.     css';
             $css[$product_admin]['group'] = 1;
           if (isset($css[$product_theme])) {
             $css[$product_theme]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_product.theme.     css';
             $css[$product_theme]['group'] = 1;
       // tax
       if (module_exists('commerce_tax')){
           $tax_admin = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_tax') . '/theme/commerce_tax.      admin.css';
           $tax_theme = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_tax') . '/theme/commerce_tax.      theme.css';
           if (isset($css[$tax_admin])) {
             $css[$tax_admin]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_tax.admin.css';
             $css[$tax_admin]['group'] = 1;
           if (isset($css[$tax_theme])) {
             $css[$tax_theme]['data'] = $path . '/css/commerce/commerce_tax.theme.css';
             $css[$tax_theme]['group'] = 1;