Search code examples

undefined method 'id' for #<Page::ActiveRecord_Associations_CollectionProxy:0x007f4723af2208>

I have no idea what is going on with a query I am doing in Rails console. I am running Rails 4.1.5. First I get a group of items:

pages = {|item| item.pages }

Once I have these pages, I then find out the class:


So, I now have an array. Easy enough as I know a ton of methods that you can run on an array. However, when I do any valid array method on the pages array it doesn't work. For example:
NoMethodError: undefined method `domain_id' for #<Page::ActiveRecord_Associations_CollectionProxy:0x007f4723af2208>


irb(main):090:0> pages.pluck("id")
NoMethodError: undefined method `pluck' for #<Array:0x007f4725681640>

I just want to get the "id" from the pages array, but nothing I know of works with this.

thanks Mike


  • If you read carefully through the errors, I think you would see what the issue is. Your current query produces the following type of result:

    [ACollectionOfPages, ACollectionOfPages, ...]

    So your map code is trying to call #id on an ActiveRecord collection, because that is what each element of your array is.

    If you really want to use your current code, I'd run: { |collection| } # possibly with .flatten

    You would be better of creating an association like:

    class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_many :item_steps
      has_many :pages, through: :item_steps

    Then, Item.pages will return an ActiveRecord collection, so you could run Item.pages.pluck(:id).