I am trying to create a github issue app in vala and need to get the list of issues from https://api.github.com/repos/vmg/redcarpet/issues?state=closed.
I have tried using this example in my code but this is not working for SSL. https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala/GIONetworkingSample
I have also tried soup but this seems to have a problem where it can't find its dev headers.
Any help would be much appreciated.
You have to set the tls property to true on the SocketClient object, and you have to connect to the correct port (443). This works for me:
var client = new SocketClient() { tls = true };
// Or do this (does the same):
// var client = new SocketClient();
// client.tls = true;
var socket = client.connect_to_host (hostname, 443);
If the server you are connecting to are using a self-signed certificate, you also have to change the TLS validation flags: client.set_tls_validation_flags (...);
But it's probably easier with Soup, as another commenter pointed out.
God luck. Vala is a sweet language.