I user apigen to genereate my phpdoc out of netbeans. But now I want to use it in my antscript.
I've downloaded the standalone version for windows. https://github.com/apigen/apigen/downloads The newest 2.8.0 version.
My ant script looks like this.
<target name="phpdocWindows">
<echo message="Creating PHPDoc" />
<mkdir dir="phpdoc" />
<exec executable="cmd" dir="." spawn="false">
<arg line="C:/xampp/php/apigen/apigen.bat --source Classes --destination phpdoc"/>
The mkdir command works fine, but then the exec command isn't performed ... I don't get any errors.
solution is:
<target name="phpdocWindows">
<echo message="Creating PHPDoc" />
<delete dir="${basedir}\Resources\Public\phpdoc"/>
<mkdir dir="${basedir}\Resources\Public\phpdoc" />
<exec executable="cmd" dir="." spawn="false">
<arg line="/C C:/xampp/php/php.exe C:/xampp/php/apigen/apigen.php --source ${basedir}\Classes --destination ${basedir}\Resources\Public\phpdoc"/>
The apigen.php must be an parameter of the php.exe then you cann also add the parameters for apigen